Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Gems... from far back and far away!

Cool Jewells they had at the Kingdom of Ife, the ancient thriving city in today's South-West Nigeria.

Two beautiful pendants that date back to 800-900AD found at the village of Igbo-Ukwu East of Ife. One represents a human face and the other a highly decorated elephant head (about 10 cm high) The fact that they come from a casting process means that they knew their technique well and well before Europeans set foot on the land at the end of 1400.

And... a brass and copper bracelet with crocodiles, leaves and snails from 1400AD that makes me wish I was an Ife Queen at some point of my lives!

Check out the sculpture exhibition in the British Museum till 6th June 2010

(and sing s'th happy...)
(and watch s'th sad)

Monday, 29 March 2010

Rainbow Necklace

Inspiration... a rainy day in London, a beautiful e-mail describing a cloudy sky somewhere far away and a song....

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl
Talkin' about my girl

I've got so much honey the bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl
Talkin' about my girl

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Inspiration... Kelly

This is a silver bracelet made for my sister baring in mind her style and taste. She loves delicate, feminine and pretty little things (and she always ends up preferring my bracelets) so I can't think of a better present :-)

ooops... I'm probably spoiling some surprises here with this post... or just stimulating expectations, soon to be on your wrist Sis!!

(silver cut out leaf, silver chain and oxidized chain, silver plate with "K" stamp and a little red coral)

Monday, 22 March 2010

Inspiration... Julia Griffith

Julia Griffith's work is amazing and amazingly playful, colourful, detailed and feels like its made with a patient affection.
But i really appreciate her welcoming website. She has a story to tell for every work of art she makes and she shares it inviting you to follow the journey behind those wire and stitches dresses. Love the titles also!

make you understand them and see more in them :-)

makes me think of One line.... of wire, thread, pensil

and makes me make my "playing around with wire yesterday 3D rings"

love twists and colour

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Bubble Broach Aproach

Goin' back to my good old leather and beads. Add some Sugar Alphabet and have a god Sunday everyone :-)

Friday, 19 March 2010

Tech Neck... there's more to it than wires

Last week I came upon Jon Dunleavys new short film called Crash! Bang! Wallow!. He's got cool personal style, wits to respect and surely knows how to use his good old British dark humour. His 2006 "The Technical Hitch"

apart from giving me someone to blame for all the shameless disrespectful gadgets I usually handle, also reminded me of the Tech Necklace I made and you see in the photo.

Made from ex-connect-laptop-to-lazy-modem-wire, under that grey plastic you find flexible copper, funky colours (just the way I like it), and a way to ease my eco-concience.

If it ain't working just take it apart, Crash! Bang! and you got yourself first class material.